Ingredients Glossary

Jojoba oil is a waxy liquid derived from the jojoba shrub. It closely mimics the skin's natural oil, making it the ideal moisturizer for many different skin types. A lighter-feeling oil but deeply hydrating, and full of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that are integral to the health of your skin.

Grapeseed Oil is rich in antioxidants, anti-aging compounds, and vitamin E. Helps reduce appearance of scarring and hyperpigmentation, while replenishing skin's lipid barrier. 

Castor oil is a humectant, meaning it promotes hydration by preserving the moisture of the upper layer of your skin. This oil contains essential fatty acids which act as a natural skin moisturizer thus protecting our skin from drying out.


Coconut oil is a great product for your skin because it’s incredibly moisturizing and creates a thick barrier that keeps moisture in the skin while protecting your lips against the elements. It absorbs quickly and leaves the skin feeling supple and looking glowy.

Chamomile oil is a miracle elixir for your skin for its anti-inflammatory properties and valuable antioxidant content. Just as chamomile helps calm the mind and body, it has similar effects on the skin making it an excellent choice for skincare. 

Ylang ylang essential oil is traditionally known for its romantic appeal. It's health properties include acts as an antidepressant, an antiseptic, and an aphrodisiac.

Vitamin E is a defensive antioxidant and potent anti-inflammatory that heals dry, scarred, or damaged skin.

Vegetable glycerin is a simple all-natural ingredient that helps to add moisturizing, cleansing, and softening properties to formulas. High-quality glycerin is derived from natural fats found in vegetable oils and acts as an effective emollient.

Jasmine flower contains potent antiseptic, antibacterial, and antidepressant properties. Though it’s a popular home remedy used to treat everything from depression to infections, it’s best known as an aphrodisiac.

Lavender is a potent remedy for healing acne and soothing skin irritations like eczema, psoriasis, and dermatitis. Helps to moisturize dry skin and defend against damaging free radicals.

Argan oil is traditionally referred to as “liquid gold” because it is packed with vitamins A, E and C, antioxidants and omega-6 fatty acids that are essential for healthy skin and hair and are used to protect against environmental damage and premature aging.